Nobody dies for love

Why are people ghosting others when in love or feeling dies?  I’m always going to think that telling the true even though it hurts show what kind of person you are. But nobody is perfect and they have their own problems and insecurities.
Love dies because of unrealistic expectations. We hear that "Love is blind" but actually its the complete opposite, its an over-amplified vision of what relationship should be. Remember all those movies, novels and songs present a over romanticized version and a one dimensional perspective. In real life,  us and our partners are flawed with biases and faults. Unrealistic expectations are hard to live up to and to live by. Love dies because it wasn't built on a solid foundation. Often our foundation are built on self-doubt, dishonesty and low self-esteem. A relationship is simply built on infatuation and attraction is bound to die. Love dies because it was never really love to begin with. Its often because of a lack of communication, a lack of trust because of betrayal. Trust is an expensive gift and we can never expect it from cheap people. Love dies because of fear. Its normal to be scared of losing your partner but in the process of begin scared of losing your partner you end up doing irrational things to keep them close. We get so fixated, so focused on that person who created all of those feelings and emotions of pain in the moment our love died, but we miss the lessons. The lessons are that there will be fear. There will be betrayal. There wil be miscommunication. If your love dieds, find your answer in these. It will even give you closure that the person may not able to provide. More importantly, it will give you the courage to get up and step forward.

Move on and continued your life with your own purpose. Don't judge anyone even when that person has harmed you. Remember every person goes through your life for some reason, dont take it personal and learn from the experience.

Don’t let anyone take away your smile and do what is right, come what might.

As soon as one goes out the window, another comes in the door” 
