How to know how a man feels about you and why he's acting
a certain way. 🤔
So many questions from readers that go
something like this:
"I'm so confused! When a guy says he
likes you and says you are beautiful and fun and amazing😐
but he doesn't put any effort into the relationship
(either he doesn't text or call or take her out on dates,
etc). What does it all mean?!"
When it comes to guys, always look at the actions, not the WORDS!
This is tricky for women because we're much more
verbal and communicative. Words carry much more
weight for us than they do for guys.
Men communicate much more through actions than words. Man are also don't tend to weigh their words very carefully. He may say something and mean it in the moment, but he doesn't necessarily mean it. 😤
Here's an example. Let's say you go on a really fun,
amazing date with a guy. The vibe is good, you're
enjoying each other's company. Maybe he says
something like "I've an amazing time you are amazing!
Now the girl might hear this and think: "Wow, he must
really be into me! 🙄
That is not where the guy's head is, though. He's not
thinking long term, he's just thinking that in the here
and now, you're a girl he really likes hanging out with.
The way to know how he really feels is how he treats
you after the amazing date. Does he call you
regularly? Does he schedule more dates? Does he do
things to show you he cares? That's how you're going
to know where he really stands.In my case, the guy said a lot of sweet things, but he
didn't have much follow through. I clung tightly to his
words, thinking that they told the whole story on how
he felt. In reality, I should have been paying more attentions to his actions, and lack thereof.
Another situation I've been in that I'm sure you can relate to is one where you're dating a guy and things and react warmly to you.
For instance, he may stopped initiating text convos with you, but when you text him he seems
really happy to hear from you and you engage in an
pleasant conversation.
This leads you to believe that there's still a chance the
relationship can be salvaged and you feel a wave of
relief and excitement....which wears off when you
don't hear from him.
So you reach out again, he's all nice and sweet... you
get excited... don't hear from him... repeat, repeat,
repeat....eventually you stop reaching out and never
hear from him again...
It's a sad, sad cycle, one I'm all too familiar with. So
what's going on?
Well I've consulted with many guy friends and they all
basically said the same thing. No guys has the
intention of being an ass. They don't want to hurt your
feelings.🙄really? Some guys can be cold about it and just
ignore your texts, but most will feel bad doing that, so
they respond
A guy would rather walk over a hot bed of coals than
actually tell a woman he's no longer interested in her.
They'd rather soften the blow by assuring you with
kind words while they ever so swiftly pull away.
It seems like a nice thing to do, but really, you're left
with a million unanswered questions and possible
I don't agree with that because I rather have my feeling hurt once than playing around with women's feeling!!!
You gotta look at the actions, ladies. I'm telling you,
this will change your dating life forever!! 🙂

a certain way. 🤔
So many questions from readers that go
something like this:
"I'm so confused! When a guy says he
likes you and says you are beautiful and fun and amazing😐
but he doesn't put any effort into the relationship
(either he doesn't text or call or take her out on dates,
etc). What does it all mean?!"
When it comes to guys, always look at the actions, not the WORDS!
This is tricky for women because we're much more
verbal and communicative. Words carry much more
weight for us than they do for guys.
Men communicate much more through actions than words. Man are also don't tend to weigh their words very carefully. He may say something and mean it in the moment, but he doesn't necessarily mean it. 😤
Here's an example. Let's say you go on a really fun,
amazing date with a guy. The vibe is good, you're
enjoying each other's company. Maybe he says
something like "I've an amazing time you are amazing!
Now the girl might hear this and think: "Wow, he must
really be into me! 🙄
That is not where the guy's head is, though. He's not
thinking long term, he's just thinking that in the here
and now, you're a girl he really likes hanging out with.
The way to know how he really feels is how he treats
you after the amazing date. Does he call you
regularly? Does he schedule more dates? Does he do
things to show you he cares? That's how you're going
to know where he really stands.In my case, the guy said a lot of sweet things, but he
didn't have much follow through. I clung tightly to his
words, thinking that they told the whole story on how
he felt. In reality, I should have been paying more attentions to his actions, and lack thereof.
Another situation I've been in that I'm sure you can relate to is one where you're dating a guy and things and react warmly to you.
For instance, he may stopped initiating text convos with you, but when you text him he seems
really happy to hear from you and you engage in an
pleasant conversation.
This leads you to believe that there's still a chance the
relationship can be salvaged and you feel a wave of
relief and excitement....which wears off when you
don't hear from him.
So you reach out again, he's all nice and sweet... you
get excited... don't hear from him... repeat, repeat,
repeat....eventually you stop reaching out and never
hear from him again...
It's a sad, sad cycle, one I'm all too familiar with. So
what's going on?
Well I've consulted with many guy friends and they all
basically said the same thing. No guys has the
intention of being an ass. They don't want to hurt your
feelings.🙄really? Some guys can be cold about it and just
ignore your texts, but most will feel bad doing that, so
they respond
A guy would rather walk over a hot bed of coals than
actually tell a woman he's no longer interested in her.
They'd rather soften the blow by assuring you with
kind words while they ever so swiftly pull away.
It seems like a nice thing to do, but really, you're left
with a million unanswered questions and possible
I don't agree with that because I rather have my feeling hurt once than playing around with women's feeling!!!
You gotta look at the actions, ladies. I'm telling you,
this will change your dating life forever!! 🙂
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