There are a lot of question about this, and I know a lot of people going through this situation…and the answer is something that we don’t know, but there is something I know, and its to never ever deny the opportunity to love even if your past situation was terrible, because those situation will help you for the future. You have to know every person in your life because you will learn something from them or you will teach them something. Don’t close the door of your heart and don’t let any situation put you down, even if they make you's okay, that means you are a good human. You always have to be grateful... I know what you're going to say, "She's crazy, how am I going to be grateful for a situation if it was terrible for me"… yes, call me crazy, but you have to, because being grateful for that situation will bring you peace in your heart and make the person you are right now. We have to learn to be happy with ourselves. When we get to understand that we don’t need somebody to be happy, our life will be change for good, trust me. At the moment you least expect it, the right person will be appear in your life. Is it difficult? Yes… but there are solutions. You only have to know that life continues, with tears on your face or with a big smile. Crying is not bad, crying is good because it's a cleanser for your soul. But you have to know when to stop and go on with your life! Keep it clear in your mind ,that person was in your life for a good reason. Don’t hate anybody! Keep your soul clean from those bad feelings, only wish them the best and continue your life.
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