
Let's dedicate this blog to our men.... Wonderful beings that God created for us... Yes, although some are frogs, it doesn't mean they are the most wonderful species... MAN: a strong word just like they are, some not so strong but are still men. Beings that were crated to please us, love us & protect us. Beings with divine patience to tolerate us & the same way we find it difficult to understand them, they find difficult to understand us. Girls, let's not complicate their lives so much, let's be more conscious and allow that vote of confidence that they deserve. Some ideas to make them happy:

1. Never ask "do you love me?".. EVER because it shows insecurity and if he's with you it's because he does love you.
2. Never ask "are you seeing someone else?". If you have doubt, find out & leave him alone but never let him know there's doubt.
3. Let him go out with his friends and never say "you don't have time for me, only for your friends". He will always make time for you, but just like you, he needs his space. Trust is key to happiness.
4. When he finally does something you've been asking him to do, don't say "Finally! You decided to do it". Instead of saying that, say "Thank you my love, I knew you could do it". They like to feel like our superheroes so cheer him on instead of criticizing him.
5. Very important NEVER CRITICIZE. That kills everything... Let's be intelligent and let's love our men as they are. If you're not happy with the one you have, leave him and find yourself another one. Don't bother him with so many stupidities.
6. Let's always be sexy and flirty women for them, don't let yourself go and always reward them with sex!!! Men are simple and if they're with you it's because they like you & don't ask for more than they give, some are romantic and others are like Mr. Grey... Other are classic... Others intellectual, and yes, there's one for each of us. Simply find yours and have your happily ever after.

"Love is the initiating power of life; passion allows the possibility of its permanence "
